сряда, 25 ноември 2020 г.

Kick off on line partners meeting on project Neuropedagogy


From 17 to 18 November 2020, Kick off on line partners meeting on project Neuropedagogy 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081740 took place, funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program, KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. Project partners are:  WYZSZA SZKOLA BIZNESU I NAUK O ZDROWIU – Poland, FUNDACION UNIVERSITAT JAUME I-EMPRESA – Spain, ASOCIACION DE INNOVACION EMPRENDIMIENTO Y TECNOLOGIAS DE LA INFORMACION Y LA COMUNICACION INNETICA – Spain, “ANGEL KANCHEV” UNIVERSITY OF RUSE – Bulgaria, UC LIMBURG – Belgium, PANEPISTIMIO PATRON – Greece. On behalf of "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse Iliyana Benina Ph.D, Nikola Benin Ph.D and Magdalina Nikolova attended the meeting.

During the first day, the project partners presented themselves, their institutions and organizations. Aleksandra Cegiełka-Mendelbaum, the Neuropedagogy Project Manager, recalled project objectives, focused on the chronology of activities in the time frame, and identified stakeholders. As a result of the project, an online platform with the course “Didactic method based on Neuroscience” will be generated and a community of higher education lecturers will be created.  The platform will also be used for communication and for giving feedback. At the end of the online meeting on the first day, the colleagues from INNETICA - presented a theory of risk management in the implementation of the project. The main components of this theory are: risk identification, risk management, responsibilities assumed by each member of the consortium.

During the second day the project logo was discussed and the dissemination and sustainability plan, the quality and evaluation plan were debated as well. Templates of reporting documents and financial agreements were presented.


                                                                     Nikola Benin, Ph.D

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