понеделник, 22 декември 2014 г.

Никола Бенин участва в Project “Key to success” – Youth in Action Programme

8 al 15 Settembre - Mangalia,Romania


The project addresses the problematic issue of youth unemployment, a pressing matter that affects youth all over the world.
With your aid we aim to solve or at least downsize the effects of this problem, by contributing with inside information about the rate of unemployment and how it affects youth in each country, along with insights on the methods used to solve it, or at least diminish it.
Our goals are to first run an analysis on the youth unemployment, discover together ways of combating it, and than create a tutorial video meant to help youth in one order to successfully sustain an interview, and finally conceive the “Unemployed youth manual” which youth all over the world will use to aid them in a successful job application by following a useful, effective and sustainable step by step program.
In this exchange we would like to ensure:
  • - Active participation of the participants
  • - Free expression
  • - Intercultural Learning
We would also like to:
  • - Introduce young people to non formal learning
  • - Involve local communities
  • - Give opportunities to the young people to find new ways of expressing, which they can apply in their local communities
  • - To promote European citizenship
  • - To use new ways of learning
  • - To create a network between the participants
  • - To give them the opportunity to express their creativity
  • - To exchange knowledge


Non formal learning, peer to peer, presentations, learning from experience, discussions


Cultural Night

Serata di presentazione per le varie associazioni partecipanti al progetto: interviste alla TV locale.

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