вторник, 27 декември 2016 г.

събота, 24 декември 2016 г.

Никола Бенин. Всеобщий русский календар

Nikola Benin. Ancient Roman Quotes

Quote # 1

If you overcome your inclination and is not overcome by it, you have a reason to rejoice.
Or Plautus  Titus Maccius Plautus  (254 BC - 184 BC) was a Roman playwright known as the author of  comoedia Palliata  genre. In fact, the comedy works are among the most rare (and earlier) survival literary examples of the so-called Old Latin period.

Quote # 2

I'm never less free time than when at leisure, or less alone than when alone.
Scipio Africanus (236 BC - 183 BC), also known as  Scipio Africanus Old is probably the largest Roman general of his generation. He is responsible for ultimately defeated Hannibal Barca in momentous Battle of Zama in 202 BC ..

Quote # 3

If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC) is often regarded as one of the greatest Roman orators and prose stylists of his time. Hailing from a wealthy Roman equestrian family, Cicero and philosopher, politician, lawyer, political theorist and constitutionalist who introduced neologisms as  evidentiaHumanitasQualitasquantitas , and  the Essentia .

Quote # 4

Tips elderly is nonsense; for what can be more absurd than to increase our provisions for the road closer we approach the end of our journey.
Another gem by Marcus Tullius Cicero. And as the quote speaks of death, it should be noted that Cicero himself was killed on the orders of Mark Antony ( 's Marcus Antonius' ). Obviously, the last words of Cicero to his captors were - "There is nothing more appropriate for what you're doing, soldier, but try to kill me properly.".

Quote # 5

It is easier to find people who will volunteer to die than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.
Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC) was a Roman statesman and notable author of Latin prose. But he is best known for being the largest Roman generals of his time, who completed the conquest of Gaul and launched the first Roman invasion of Britain.

Quote # 6

If you have to break the law, do it to seize power: In all other cases observe.
Another interesting quote Julius Caesar, this time dealing with the political. In fact, from a historical perspective, this is a political maneuver his (rather than martial art) that have long lasting impact on Rome and Europe; a critical role in going against the Senate led to the decline of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

Quote # 7

Those most moved to tears by every word of the preacher are generally weak and crook when feelings evaporate.
Sallust or  Guy Sallust Crisp  (86 BC - 34 BC) was a Roman historian, politician and the first man from his provincial  plebeian  family to serve in the Senate. It is also known partisan of yourself (and maybe even commanded a legion) Julius Caesar, who always maintained a strict opposition to the old Roman aristocracy. Later in his life, Sallust is a tool for the development of yards pleasure in the northwestern sector of Rome, better known as the  Horti Sallustian  (Gardens of Sallust).

Quote # 8

Angry man is again angry with himself when he returns to reason.
Publilius Syrus (85 BC - 43 BC) is a Latin writer contemporary mime to Cicero, which is known for its collection of moral aphorisms in iambic and trochaic verse. Interestingly, Publilius probably started as a slave from Syria, and climb the stairs of the literary world by defeating their opponents Decimus Laberius. Historians over time have found that its authentic poems move a total of 700 maxims, including the famous - " iudex damnatur the Ubi nocens absolvitur " (The judge is condemned when the guilty is acquitted).

Quote # 9

Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
Virgil, or  Publius Virgil Maro   (70 BC - 19 BC) is one of the greatest poet ancient Rome corresponding to the Augustan period. His massive contribution to Latin literature was engaged by three significant works - to  indeed all  (or Bucolics), of  Georgiki and epic  Aeneid . The latest literary form, often seen as a national epic ancient Rome, with work following the tradition of Homer's  Iliad  and  Odyssey .

Quote # 10

A shoe that is too large is able to stumble one, and when it is too small to pinch your feet. So it is with those who are not like them.
Or Horace  Quintus Horatius Flaccus  (65 BC - 8 BC), is the foremost Roman lyric poet contemporary to the Augustan period, which is engaging in both hexamer poems and soda iambic poetry. He was also an officer in the national army that was defeated at the Battle of Philippi in 42 BC. But later he was offered amnesty by Octavian, and thus Horace became became speaker of the new regime (although he lost the estate of his father, to a colony of veterans).

Quote # 11

The lofty pine is oftenest shaken by the winds; High towers fall with a heavier crash; And the lightning strikes the highest mountain.
Another interesting quote from Horace, punishment brings us back to "delicate" balance that the poet himself had to be maintained in the post-civil war (late 1st century BC), when it came to political bias. However, he still managed to produce strong tendency for Horace individualistic independence.

Quote # 12

Young men hear an old man to whom old men hearkened when he was young.
Augustus (63 BC - 14 AD), born  Gaius Octavius , was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first emperor, who ruled until his death in 14 AD (extra he was also adopted heir Julius Caesar). Reign of stroke in August began what is known as  a Pax Romana  (Roman Peace), an extended period of almost two centuries, when the Roman kingdom is not disturbed by any instantaneous great conflict, regardless of the "regular" territorial expansion of the empire in regions like Egypt, Dalmatia, Pannonia, Germania and complete annexation of Hispania.

Quote # 13

Rome has grown since its humble beginnings that now he is overwhelmed by his own greatness.
Livius or  Livy  (59 BC - 17 AD) is perhaps the most oft-quoted Roman when it comes to their history. This is mainly because of the monumental work of the Roman historian  Ab Is Urbe Condita Libri (Books of the founding of the city), which covers the "dark ages" before the traditional foundation of Rome in 753 BC to modern times Livy him. Glory Livy during the second half of his life often presented by an anecdote, when a man from Cadiz (port in southwestern Spain) are said to have traveled all the way to Rome to meet only the author then after back his desire to his homeland without delay.

Quote # 14

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning end is.
Old Seneca or  Marcus Annaeus Seneca  (54 BC - 39 AD), was a Roman orator and writer who hailed from a distant Cordoba, Hispania. Born into a wealthy equestrian family, Seneca (later in life) lived at a crucial time period of the early Roman Empire, which covers the period of three emperors - Augustus, Tiberius and Caligula.

Quote # 15

There is no such thing as pure pleasure; some anxiety always goes with it.
Ovid or  Publius Ovid Naso  (BC '43 - '17) was a contemporary Roman poet of the older Virgil and Horace, and together these three form the "Holy Trinity" of Latin canonical literature in the Augustan period . For this purpose, Ovid is mostly known mythological his story - of  Metamorphosis , along with collections of love poetry as  Amores  ( "Love Affairs") and  the Ars Amatoria  ( "Art of Love"). In a strange turn of events, the poet was later exiled to a remote province on the Black Sea itself Augustus. Historians still speculate about the numerous possible causes, with very Ovid simply alluding to the episode by saying  Carmen et error ", a poem and a mistake."

Quote # 16

Let's say is not always what you know, but always know what you think.
Claudius and  Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus  (10 BC - '54) was a Roman Emperor who ruled 41-54 AD, and was the first ruler of Rome born outside Italy. Interestingly, despite being a little dull and limp, Claudius proved that it is capable administrator and patron of projects for public works. His reign also saw a concerted attempt to conquer the UK and the emperor was known to have fought with actual killer whales trapped in the harbor Ostia (as mentioned by Pliny the Elder)!

Quote # 17

The first and greatest punishment for the sinner's conscience of sin.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, known as Seneca junior (5 BC - 65 AD) was a Roman Stoic philosopher and playwright, who also tried his hand at humor. One of the sons of Seneca the Elder, Lucius also acted as imperial adviser and mentor of the Roman emperor Nero. Unfortunately, many of his connection with political issues bore his death - when Lucius was forced to commit suicide for his alleged role in the conspiracy of Piso kill Nero.

Quote # 18

Hope is the pillar that holds world. Hope is the dream of a man awake.
Pliny the Elder and  Gaius Pliny Secundus  (23 AD - 79 AD) is an ancient Roman author, naturalist, and natural philosopher - known for his encyclopedic work,  Naturalis The Historia . Like some prominent Romans of his time, Pliny also had a career in the military with his high status after naval and army commander in the early Roman Empire. Pliny later died in a catastrophic eruption of Mouth Vesuvius (AD 79) on the beach in stability, and thus is one of the most famous (yet miserable) witnesses the destruction of Pompeii (reconstructed in this  animated video ).

Quote # 19

The gods conceal from men the happiness of death that they can withstand life.
Or Lukan  's Marcus Annaeus Lucanus  (39 AD - 65 AD) is another Roman literary icon of Cordoba (in fact he was the nephew of Seneca Jr.), who is known for his speed of composition in verse. Unfortunately, he also met his untimely death at the early age of 25 when he was forced to commit suicide (like his uncle) during the conspiracy of Piso kill Nero.

Quote # 20

I have often wondered how it is that every man loves himself more than all other men, but still set a low value on their own opinions of himself than the opinions of others.
Marcus Aurelius or  Marcus Aurelius Antoninus August  (121 AD - 180 AD) was a Roman Emperor 161-180 AD, which is considered as the last of the Five Good Emperors. Incredibly enough, but he was also among the most prominent Stoic philosophers of his time - as evidenced by his tome  Meditations , written entirely in Greek while the Emperor was conducting military campaign.

Quote # 21

All you hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
He was known Another cool quote from Emperor Marcus Aurelius also took lessons in eloquence from two Greek lessons and a Latin teacher. Regarding the choice of these lessons, it becomes clear how the Roman aristocracy of the time is still valuable as Greek language.

Quote # 22

Another one of the oldest poets, whose name has escaped my memory at present, called Truth the daughter of time.
Aulus Gellius (125 AD - after 180 AD) is a prominent Latin author and grammarian of his time, which was originally educated in Athens. He is known for  attic Nights's , a book compiling comparable notes on various topics including grammar, philosophy, history, antiquarianism and even geometry.

Quote # 23

We find that the Romans owed the conquest of the world for no other reason than continuous training military, the exact observance of discipline in their camps and tireless cultivation of other arts of war.
Vegetius or  Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus  (around 4th century AD) is the most famous Roman military historian from the late fourth century, although not much is known about his life. However, in the opening passage of his brilliant work  Epitoma ray Militaris  (also known as  the De Re Militari ), Vegetius confirms his religion as Christianity. Incredibly enough, but the author is also known (to some degree) for his other work  Digesta Mulomedicinae the Artis , which is a comprehensive treatise of Veterinary Medicine.

Quote # 24

The Son of God became man so that we might become God.
St. Athanasius the Great (296 years - 373 years) was the twentieth bishop of Alexandria and the famous Christian theologian who defends trinity against Arianism. The famous Egyptian is also known for its clashes with the Roman emperors, as evidenced by his five exiles (from four different emperors), which equated to 17 years, for a period of 45 years of his episcopate.

Quote # 25

If there is a God, whence proceed so many evils? If there is no God, hence any good?
Or Boethius  , Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius  (480 AD - 525 years) was a Roman senator, consul,  master of ceremonies , and philosopher support early 6th century. It is unique in our list, as the philosopher was born four years Fol Western Roman Empire "technical" ceased to exist when Odoacer took the title King of Italy (in 476 AD). Boethius himself served Ostrogothic King Theodoric the Great, and was eventually imprisoned and executed support its patron.

Honorable Mention for those who like previous quotes -

Wisecracks please as long as we keep them within bounds, but pushed to excess they offend.

понеделник, 5 декември 2016 г.

Програма на Драматичен театър „Сава Огнянов” - Русе за месец декември 2016

Сезон 2016 / 2017

2 декември (19:00)
Голяма зала
„Женско царство” от Ст. Л. Костов

Режисьор: Орлин Дяков
Сценография и костюми: Виолета Радкова и Веселин Николов
Ролите се изпълняват от артистите: Любомир Кънев, Ивайло Спасимиров, Ясена Господинова, Йовко Кънев, Крум Берков, Дина Шошева, Татяна Цветкова, Косьо Станев.

6 декември (15:30)
Камерна зала „Слави Шкаров”
„Коледните приказки на баба” – три приказки на  Елин Пелин „Трите баби”, „Чохено контошче” и, „Цар Шишко”
Драматизация и постановка: Любомир Кънев
Сценография и костюми: Виолета Радкова
Музика Пламен Мирчев –Мирона
Участват артистите: Надя Банчева, Ясена Господинова, Дайана Михайлова, Александър Узунов, Крум Берков

7 декември (19:00)
Голяма зала
„Малко комедия” – спектакъл на формация „Вива Арте” – София и Драматичен театър „Адриана Будевска” – Бургас, по едноактните пиеси на А. П. Чехов „Мечка” и „Предложение”

Участват артистите: Асен Блатечки, Калин Врачански и Койна Русева.

9 декември (19:00)

Голяма зала

„Смъртта на котката” от Мартин Макдона

Режисьор: Асен Блатечки
Сценография: Виолета Радкова
Музика: Христо Намлиев
Участват артистите: Явор Бахаров, Бойко Кръстанов, Роберт Янакиев, Пламен Манасиев, Александър Сано, Йосиф Шамли, Дайана Михайлова, Ивайло Спасимиров

14  декември (19:00)
Голяма зала
„Господин Ганьо” от Георги Данаилов

Режисьор: Пламен Панев
Сценография: Цанко Цанев
Костюми: Виолета Радкова
Участват артистите: Йовко Кънев, Ивайло Ненов, Александър Узунов, Кадри Хабил, Венцислав Петков, Дайана Михайлова, Татяна Цветкова, Ивайло Спасимиров
С този спектакъл Русенският театър ще отбележи 60-тата годишнина и 35 години на сцената на актьора Любомир Кънев, който ще се представи в ролята на Ганьо Балкански

20 декември (19:00)
Камерна зала „Слави Шкаров”
„Бурунданга” от Жорди Галсеран – ПРЕМИЕРА

Режисьор: Ивайло Ненов
Сценография: Десислава Коева
Музика: Пламен Мирчев – Мирона
Участват артистите: Ясена Господинова, Дайaна Михайлова, Кадри Хабил, Ивайло Спасимиров, Любомир Кънев

 Автор: Никола Бенин

неделя, 4 декември 2016 г.

Никола Бенин. Програма на Държавна опера Русе за месец декември 2016

Държавна опера Русе

Сезон 2016 / 2017


5 декември (19:00)
Зала Филхармония

Симфоничен концерт

Заключителен концерт на диригентски майсторски клас с преподаватели: Кристоф Бруннер и Иван Василевски.

Диригенти: Рут Вефлер – Швейцария, Йоахим Пфлегинг – Германия, Изора Кастийя – Испания, Франческо Канясо – Швейцария, Мирко Капра – Италия, Жером Фалер и Йонас Бюргин – Швейцария, Изора Кастийя – Испания

П. И. Чайковски – Концерт за цигулка и оркестър, 
А. Дворжак – Симфония No.9

Александър Иванов, цигулка, Оркестър и хор на Държавна опера – Русе

7 декември (14:00) 
Зала Опера

„Лешникотрошачката“ – балет от П. И. Чайковски

Хореография: Лев Иванов и Василий Вайнонен
Адаптация: Марияна Захариева
Сценография и костюми: Елица Попова

9 декември (19:00)
Зала Филхармония

Симфоничен концерт на Русенска филхармония

Диригент: Геворг Гарабекян

Ф. Менделсон – Увертюра Хибриди, Ф. Менделсон – Симфония No. 5, Й. Брамс – Симфония No. 4

12 декември (20:00)
Зала Опера

„Лешникотрошачката“ – балет от П. И. Чайковски

Хореография: Лев Иванов и Василий Вайнонен
Адаптация: Марияна Захариева
Сценография и костюми: Елица Попова

13 декември (20:30) 
Зала Опера

„Лешникотрошачката“ – балет от П. И. Чайковски

Хореография: Лев Иванов и Василий Вайнонен
Адаптация: Марияна Захариева
Сценография и костюми: Елица Попова

16 декември (19:00)
Зала Опера

Премиера „Сестра Анджелика“

Диригент: Георги Димитров
Режисьор: Татяна Соколова
Сценография и костюми: Яна Дворецка
Хормайстор: Стилияна Димитрова

Участват: Владислава Гарвалова, Теодора Чукурска, Стилияна Димитрова, Ребека Старлинг, Цветелина Стоева, Ася Русева, Даниела Караиванова, Венета Димова, Аксиния Спирова, Лиляна Харизанова. 
Солисти, хор и оркестър на Държавна опера – Русе

20 декември (18:00)
Зала Опера

„Заедно“ – благотворителен спектакъл на Студио за модерен балет „Фрийдъм“ при Държавна опера – Русе 
Хореография: Анита Асенова

Музика и мултимедия: Александър Асенов

Участват дацета от „Фрийдъм“, Деница Дончева – Ден Ка Та, Детска театрлана школа при Куклен Театър – Русе, Габриела Йорданова, Виктория Мицова

20 декември (19:00)
Зала Филхармония

Симфоничен концерт

Диригент: Владимир Бошнаков

В програмата популярни арии и дуети от опери и оперети

23 декември (19:00)
Зала Филхармония

Коледен концерт 

Диригент: Свилен Димитров

Оркестър на Държавна опера – Русе и хор „Проф. Васил Арнаудов“ 

27 декември (19:00)
Зала Опера

„Скрудж“ – детски мюзикъл по „Коледна песен“ на Чарлз Дикенс

Оркестър на Държавна опера – Русе

29 декември (19:00)
Зала Опера

Ace Място Opera

Концерт. Китара и Симфоничен оркестър.

Диригент Владимир Бошнаков
Соло китара: Асен Вапцаров

Автор: Никола Бенин
03.12.2016 - 17:50